Uncovering and Overcoming Unconscious Bias With Staff [external event]
We have all heard of ‘bias’ which often leads to people making decisions based not on logic, but on the way they perceive or think about things. This is not unusual; in this webinar, you will learn that humans subconsciously develop biases and are not always aware of them. “Is that a problem?” I hear you ask – the answer is, it could be – think of the impact it could have on recruitment or promotions. This free webinar will help you uncover and truly overcome your unconscious biases.
Who should attend
Anyone and everyone - this webinar would benefit anyone in any role at any organisation in any industry.
The objectives of the webinar
- To understand bias
- To challenge your thinking
- To overcome your biases
Topics covered
- Action Points
- The types of bias
- Exploring mistakes made
- Four steps to overcoming bias
- Working in pairs/trios to challenge your thinking
What you will get out of the webinar:
- Discover what you don’t know about your thought patterns
- A practical way of preventing bias when making decisions
- A more open-minded view
What your organisation will get out of the webinar:
- More considered decision making
- Increased protection from potential discrimination
To register: